Random Statistics of OPE Coefficients and Euclidean Wormholes

Abstract in English

We propose an ansatz for OPE coefficients in chaotic conformal field theories which generalizes the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and describes any OPE coefficient involving heavy operators as a random variable with a Gaussian distribution. In two dimensions this ansatz enables us to compute higher moments of the OPE coefficients and analyse two and four-point functions of OPE coefficients, which we relate to genus-2 partition functions and their squares. We compare the results of our ansatz to solutions of Einstein gravity in AdS$_3$, including a Euclidean wormhole that connects two genus-2 surfaces. Our ansatz reproduces the non-perturbative correction of the wormhole, giving it a physical interpretation in terms of OPE statistics. We propose that calculations performed within the semi-classical low-energy gravitational theory are only sensitive to the random nature of OPE coefficients, which explains the apparent lack of factorization in products of partition functions.
