A stable and accurate scheme for solving the Stefan problem coupled with natural convection using the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension method

Abstract in English

The dissolution of solids has created spectacular geomorphologies ranging from centimeter-scale cave scallops to the kilometer-scale stone forests of China and Madagascar. Mathematically, dissolution processes are modeled by a Stefan problem, which describes how the motion of a phase-separating interface depends on local concentration gradients, coupled to a fluid flow. Simulating these problems is challenging, requiring the evolution of a free interface whose motion depends on the normal derivatives of an external field in an ever-changing domain. Moreover, density differences created in the fluid domain induce self-generated convecting flows that further complicate the numerical study of dissolution processes. In this contribution, we present a numerical method for the simulation of the Stefan problem coupled to a fluid flow. The scheme uses the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension method to solve the bulk advection-diffusion and fluid equations in the complex, evolving geometry, coupled to a {theta}-L scheme that provides stable evolution of the boundary. We demonstrate third-order temporal and pointwise spatial convergence of the scheme for the classical Stefan problem, and second-order temporal and pointwise spatial convergence when coupled to flow. Examples of dissolution of solids that result in high-Rayleigh number convection are numerically studied, and qualitatively reproduce the complex morphologies observed in recent experiments.
