Molecular collapse in graphene: sublattice symmetry effect

Abstract in English

Atomic collapse can be observed in graphene because of its large effective fine structure constant, which enables this phenomenon to occur for an impurity charge as low as $Z_csim 1-2$. Here, we investigate the effect of the sublattice symmetry on molecular collapse in two spatially separated charge tunable vacancies, that are located on the same (A-A type) or different (A-B type) sublattices. We find that the broken sublattice symmetry: (1) does not affect the location of the main bonding and anti-bonding molecular collapse peaks, (2) but shifts the position of the satellite peaks, because they are a consequence of the breaking of the local sublattice symmetry, and (3) there are vacancy characteristic collapse peaks that only occur for A-B type vacancies, which can be employed to distinguish them experimentally from the A-A type. As the charge, energy, and separation distance increase, the additional collapse features merge with the main molecular collapse peaks. We show that the spatial distribution around the vacancy site of the collapse states allows us to differentiate the molecular from the frustrated collapse.
