About ten stars orbit eclipsing binary XZ And

Abstract in English

A third body in an eclipsing binary system causes regular periodic changes in the observed (O) minus the computed (C) eclipse epochs. Fourth bodies are rarely detected from the O-C data. We apply the new Discrete Chi-square method (DCM) to the O-C data of the eclipsing binary XZ Andromedae. These data contain the periodic signatures of at least ten wide orbit stars (WOSs). Their orbital periods are between 1.6 and 91.7 years. since no changes have been observed in the eclipses of XZ And during the past 127 years, the orbits of all these WOSs are most probably co-planar. We give detailed instructions of how the professional and the amateur astronomers can easily repeat all stages of our DCM analysis with an ordinary PC, as well as apply this method to O-C data of other eclipsing binaries.
