Multicomponent dark matter in noncommutative $B-L$ gauge theory

Abstract in English

It is shown that for a higher weak isospin symmetry, $SU(P)_L$ with $Pgeq 3$, the baryon minus lepton charge $B-L$ neither commutes nor closes algebraically with $SU(P)_L$ similar to the electric charge $Q$, which all lead to a $SU(3)_Cotimes SU(P)_Lotimes U(1)_Xotimes U(1)_N$ gauge completion, where $X$ and $N$ determine $Q$ and $B-L$, respectively. As a direct result, the neutrinos obtain appropriate masses via a canonical seesaw. While the version with $P=3$ supplies the schemes of single-component dark matter well established in the literature, we prove in this work that the models with $Pgeq 4$ provide the novel scenarios of multicomponent dark matter, which contain simultaneously at least $P-2$ stable candidates, respectively. In this setup, the multicomponet dark matter is nontrivially unified with normal matter by gauge multiplets, and their stability is ensured by a residual gauge symmetry which is a remnant of the gauge symmetry after spontaneous symmetry breaking. The thr
