By numerically solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for the single vortex state in a two-band superconductor, we demonstrate that the disparity between the healing lengths of two contributing condensates is strongly affected by the band Fermi velocities, even in the presence of the magnetic field and far beyond the regime of nearly zero Josephson-like coupling between bands. Changing the ratio of the band Fermi velocities alters the temperature dependence of the condensate lengths and significantly shifts parameters of the ``length-scales locking regime at which the two characteristic lengths approach one another.
We present a systematic study of the response properties of two-band (multi-gap) superconductors with spin-singlet (s-wave) pairing correlations, which are assumed to be caused by both intraband (lambda_{ii}, i=1,2) and interband (lambda_{12}) pairing interactions. In this first of three planned publications we concentrate on the properties of such superconducting systems in global and local thermodynamic equilibrium, the latter including weak perturbations in the stationary long-wavelength limit. The discussion of global thermodynamic equilibrium must include the solution (analytical in the Ginzburg-Landau and the low temperature limit) of the coupled self-consistency equations for the two energy gaps Delta_i(T), i=1,2. These solutions allow to study non-universal behavior of the two relevant BCS-Muhlschlegel parameters, namely the specific heat discontinuity Delta C/C_N and the zero temperature gaps Delta_i(0)/pi k_B T_c, i=1,2. The discussion of a local equilibrium situation includes the calculation of the supercurrent density as a property of the condensate, and the calculation of both the specific heat capacity and the spin susceptibility as properties of the gas of thermal excitations in the spirit of a microscopic two-fluid description. Non-monotonic behavior in the temperature dependences of the gaps and all these local response functions is predicted to occur particularly for very small values of the interband pair-coupling constant lambda_{12}.
We present a microscopic study of the behavior of the order parameters near boundaries of a two-band superconducting material, described by the standard tight-binding Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model. We find superconducting surface states. The relative difference between bulk and surface critical temperatures is a nontrivial function of the interband coupling strength. For superconductors with weak interband coupling, boundaries induce variations of the gaps with the presence of multiple length scales, despite non-zero interband Josephson coupling.
A model of a clean two-band s-wave superconductor with cylindrical Fermi surfaces, different Fermi velocities v_{1,2}, and a general 2x2 coupling matrix V_{alpha beta} is used to study the order parameter distribution in vortex lattices. The Eilenberger weak coupling formalism is used to calculate numerically the spatial distributions of the pairing amplitudes Delta_1_ and Delta_2_ of the two bands for vortices parallel to the Fermi cylinders. For generic values of the interband coupling V_{12}, it is shown that, independently of the couplings V_{alpha beta}, of the ratio v_1 /v_2, of the temperature, and the applied field, the length scales of spatial variation of Delta_1 and of Delta_2 are the same within the accuracy of our calculations. The only exception from this single length-scale behavior is found for V_{12} --> 0, i.e., for nearly decoupled bands.
The $s_pm$ and $s_{++}$ models for the superconducting state are subject of intense studies regarding Fe-based superconductors. Depending on the parameters, disorder may leave intact or suppress $T_c$ in these models. Here we study the special case of disorder with equal values of intra- and interband impurity potentials in the two-band $s_pm$ and $s_{++}$ models. We show that this case can be considered as an isolated point and $T_c$ there has maximal damping for a wide range of parameters.
We investigate fermionic superconductivity with mismatched Fermi surfaces in a general two-band system. The exchange interaction between the two bands changes significantly the stability structure of the pairing states. The Sarma state with two gapless Fermi surfaces which is always unstable in single-band systems, can be the stable ground state in two-band systems. To realize a visible mismatch window for the stable Sarma state, two conditions should be satisfied: a nonzero inter-band exchange interaction and a large asymmetry between the two bands.