The complex conjugate invariants of Clifford groups

Abstract in English

Nebe, Rains and Sloane studied the polynomial invariants for real and complex Clifford groups and they relate the invariants to the space of complete weight enumerators of certain self-dual codes. The purpose of this paper is to show that very similar results can be obtained for the invariants of the complex Clifford group $mathcal{X}_m$ acting on the space of conjugate polynomials in $2^m$ variables of degree $N_1$ in $x_f$ and of degree $N_2$ in their complex conjugates $overline{x_f}$. In particular, we show that the dimension of this space is $2$, for $(N_1,N_2)=(5,5)$. This solves the Conjecture 2 given in Zhu, Kueng, Grassl and Gross affirmatively. In other words if an orbit of the complex Clifford group is a projective $4$-design, then it is automatically a projective $5$-design.
