The parabolic algebra revisited

Abstract in English

The parabolic algebra A_p is the weakly closed algebra on L^2(R) generated by the unitary semigroup of right translations and the unitary semigroup of multiplication by the analytic exponential functions e^{ilambda x}, lambda geq 0. This algebra is reflexive with an invariant subspace lattice, Lat A_p, which is naturally homeomorphic to the unit disc (Katavolos and Power, 1997). This identification is used here to classify strongly irreducible isometric representations of the partial Weyl commutation relations. The notion of a synthetic subspace lattice is extended from commutative to noncommutative lattices and it is shown that Lat A_p is nonsynthetic relative to the maximal abelian multiplication subalgebra of A_p. Also, operator algebras derived from isometric representations of A_p and from compact perturbations are defined and determined.
