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Dynamically induced doublon repulsion in the Fermi-Hubbard model probed by a single-particle density of states

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 Added by E. A. Stepanov
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the possibility to control dynamically the interactions between repulsively bound pairs of fermions (doublons) in correlated systems with off-resonant ac fields. We introduce an effective Hamiltonian that describes the physics of doublons up to the second-order in the high-frequency limit. It unveils that the doublon interaction, which is attractive in equilibrium, can be completely suppressed and then switched to repulsive by varying the power of the ac field. We show that the signature of the dynamical repulsion between doublons can be found in the single-fermion density of states averaged in time. Our results are further supported by nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory simulations for the half-filled Fermi-Hubbard model.

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143 - K. Balzer , M. Eckstein 2014
For the fermionic Hubbard model at strong coupling, we demonstrate that directional transport of localized doublons (repulsively bound pairs of two particles occupying the same site of the crystal lattice) can be achieved by applying an unbiased ac field of time-asymmetric (sawtooth-like) shape. The mechanism involves a transition to intermediate states of virtually zero double occupation which are reached by splitting the doublon by fields of the order of the Hubbard interaction. The process is discussed on the basis of numerically exact calculations for small clusters, and we apply it to more complex states to manipulate the charge order pattern of one-dimensional systems.
91 - K. L. Zhang , Z. Song 2021
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