Josephson current via an isolated Majorana zero mode

Abstract in English

We study the equilibrium dc Josephson current in a junction between an $s$-wave and a topological superconductor. Cooper pairs from the $s$-wave superconducting lead can transfer to the topological side either via an unpaired Majorana zero mode localized near the junction, or via the above-gap continuum states. We find that the Majorana contribution to the supercurrent can be switched on when time-reversal symmetry in the conventional lead is broken, e.g., by an externally applied magnetic field inducing a Zeeman splitting. Moreover, if the magnetic field has a component in the direction of the effective spin-orbit field, there will be a Majorana-induced anomalous supercurrent at zero phase difference. This behavior may serve as a signature characteristic of Majorana zero modes, and is accessible to devices with only superconducting contacts.
