Stability and evolution of electromagnetic solitons in relativistic degenerate laser plasmas

Abstract in English

The dynamical behaviors of electromagnetic (EM) solitons formed due to nonlinear interaction of linearly polarized intense laser light and relativistic degenerate plasmas are studied. In the slow motion approximation of relativistic dynamics, the evolution of weakly nonlinear EM envelope is described by the generalized nonlinear Schr{o}dinger (GNLS) equation with local and nonlocal nonlinearities. Using the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criteria, the stability of an EM soliton solution of the GNLS equation is studied. Different stable and unstable regions are demonstrated with the effects of soliton velocity, soliton eigenfrequency, as well as the degeneracy parameter $R=p_{Fe}/m_ec$, where $p_{Fe}$ is the Fermi momentum and $m_e$ the electron mass, and $c$ is the speed of light in vacuum. It is found that the stability region shifts to an unstable one and is significantly reduced as one enters from the regimes of weakly relativistic $(Rll1)$ to ultrarelativistic $(Rgg1)$ degeneracy of electrons. The analytically predicted results are in good agreement with the simulation results of the GNLS equation. It is shown that the standing EM soliton solutions are stable. However, the moving solitons can be stable or unstable depending on the values of soliton velocity, the eigenfrequency or the degeneracy parameter. The latter with strong degeneracy $(R>1)$ can eventually lead to soliton collapse.
