Securing Mobile IoT with Unmanned Aerial Systems

Abstract in English

The Internet of Things (IoT) will soon be omnipresent and billions of sensors and actuators will support our industries and well-being. IoT devices are embedded systems that are connected using wireless technology for most of the cases. The availability of the wireless network serving the IoT, the privacy, integrity, and trustworthiness of the data are of critical importance, since IoT will drive businesses and personal decisions. This paper proposes a new approach in the wireless security domain that leverages advanced wireless technology and the emergence of the unmanned aerial system or vehicle (UAS or UAV). We consider the problem of eavesdropping and analyze how UAVs can aid in reducing, or overcoming this threat in the mobile IoT context. The results show that huge improvements in terms of channel secrecy rate can be achieved when UAVs assist base stations for relaying the information to the desired IoT nodes. Our approach is technology agnostic and can be expanded to address other communications security aspects.
