A Complete Cosmological Scenario in Teleparallel Gravity

Abstract in English

Teleparallel gravity is a modified theory of gravity in which the Ricci scalar $R$ of the Lagrangian replaced by the general function of torsion scalar $T$ in action. With that, cosmology in teleparallel gravity becomes profoundly simplified because it is second-order theory. The article present a complete cosmological scenario in $f(T)$ gravity with $f(T)=T+beta(-T)^{alpha}$, where $alpha,$ and $beta$ are model parameters. We present the profiles of energy density, pressure, and equation of state (EoS) parameter. Next to this, we employ statefinder diagnostics to check deviation from the $Lambda$CDM model as well as the nature of dark energy. Finally, we discuss the energy conditions to check the consistency of our model and observe that SEC violates in the present model supporting the acceleration of the Universe as per present observation.
