Scattering length in holographic confining theories

Abstract in English

The low-energy effective theory description of a confining theory, such as QCD, is constructed including local interactions between hadrons organized in a derivative expansion. This kind of approach also applies more generically to theories with a mass gap, once the relevant low energy degrees of freedom are identified. The strength of local interactions in the effective theory is determined by the low momentum expansion of scattering amplitudes, with the scattering length capturing the leading order. We compute the main contribution to the scattering length between two spin-zero particles in strongly coupled theories using the gauge/gravity duality. We study two different theories with a mass gap: a massive deformation of ${cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory (${cal N}=1^*$) and a non-supersymmetric five-dimensional theory compactified on a circle. These cases have a different realization of the mass gap in the dual gravity description: the former is the well-known GPPZ singular solution and the latter a smooth $AdS_6$ soliton geometry. Despite disparate gravity duals, we find that the scattering lengths have strikingly similar functional dependences on the masses of the particles and on the conformal dimension of the operators that create them. This evinces universal behavior in the effective description of gapped strongly coupled theories beyond what is expected from symmetry considerations alone.
