Adversarial examples are useful too!

Abstract in English

Deep learning has come a long way and has enjoyed an unprecedented success. Despite high accuracy, however, deep models are brittle and are easily fooled by imperceptible adversarial perturbations. In contrast to common inference-time attacks, Backdoor (aka Trojan) attacks target the training phase of model construction, and are extremely difficult to combat since a) the model behaves normally on a pristine testing set and b) the augmented perturbations can be minute and may only affect few training samples. Here, I propose a new method to tell whether a model has been subject to a backdoor attack. The idea is to generate adversarial examples, targeted or untargeted, using conventional attacks such as FGSM and then feed them back to the classifier. By computing the statistics (here simply mean maps) of the images in different categories and comparing them with the statistics of a reference model, it is possible to visually locate the perturbed regions and unveil the attack.
