The Semi-forbidden CIII]$lambda$1909AA~ Emission in the Rest-Ultraviolet Spectra of Green Pea Galaxies

Abstract in English

We used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to observe the semi-forbidden CIII] emission in Green Pea galaxies at 0.13 < z < 0.3. We detect CIII] emission in 7/10 galaxies with CIII] equivalent widths that range from 2-10AA~. The observed CIII] emission line strengths are consistent with the predictions from photoionization models which incorporate the effects of binary stellar evolution with young stellar ages < 3-5 Myrs, and high ionization parameters (logU > -2). The hard ionizing radiation from young massive stars, and high nebular temperatures at low-metallicities can account for the observed high equivalent widths of CIII] and [OIII] emission lines. The Green Pea galaxies do not show a significant correlation between the Ly$alpha$ and CIII] equivalent widths, and the observed scatter is likely due to the variations in the optical depth of Ly$alpha$ to the neutral gas. Green Pea galaxies are likely to be density-bounded, and we examined the dependence of CIII] emission on the Lyman continuum optical depth. The potential LyC leaker galaxies in our sample have high CIII] equivalent widths that can only be reproduced by starburst ages as young as < 3 Myrs and harder ionizing spectra than the non-leakers. Among the galaxies with similar metallicities and ionization parameters, the CIII] equivalent width appears to be stronger for those with higher optical depth to LyC, as expected from the photoionization models. Further investigation of a larger sample of CIII]-emitters is necessary to calibrate the dependence of CIII] emission on the escape of LyC radiation, and to enable application of the CIII] diagnostics to galaxies in the reionization epoch.
