The HR 1614 moving group is not a dissolving cluster

Abstract in English

The HR 1614 overdensity in velocity space and has for a long time been known as an old (~2 Gyr) and metal-rich ([Fe/H]~0.2) nearby moving group that has a dissolving cluster origin. The existence of such old and metal-rich groups in the solar vicinity is quite unexpected since the vast majority of nearby moving groups are known to be young. In the light of new and significantly larger data sets we aim to re-investigate the properties and origin of the HR 1614 moving group. To identify and characterise the HR 1614 moving group we use astrometric data from Gaia DR2; distances, extinction, and reddening corrections from the StarHorse code; elemental abundances from the GALAH and APOGEE spectroscopic surveys; and photometric metallicities from the SkyMapper survey. Bayesian ages were estimated for the SkyMapper stars. Since the Hercules stream is the closest kinematical structure to the HR 1614 moving group in velocity space, we use it for comparison purposes. Stars that are likely to be members of the two groups were selected based on their space velocities. The HR 1614 moving group is located mainly at negative U velocities, does not form an arch of constant energy in the U-V space and is tilted in V. The overdensity is not chemically homogeneous but that its stars exist at a wide range of both metallicities, ages, and elemental abundance ratios. They are essentially similar to what is observed in the Galactic thin and thick disks, a younger population (~3 Gyr) that is metal-rich (-0.2<[Fe/H]<0.4) and alpha-poor. It should therefore not be considered as a dissolving open cluster, or an accreted population. We suggest that HR 1614 has a complex origin that could be explained by combining several different mechanisms such as resonances with the Galactic bar and spiral structure, phase-mixing of dissolving spiral structure, and phase-mixing due to an external perturbation.
