Dynamics of local quantum uncertainty among cavity-reservoir qubits

Abstract in English

We study dynamics of local quantum uncertainty (LQU) for a system of two cavities and two reservoirs. In the start, the cavities treated as two qubits are quantum correlated with each other, whereas reservoirs are neither correlated with each other nor with cavities. We answer two main questions in this work. First, how local quantum uncertainty decays from two quantum correlated cavities and grows among reservoirs. The second question is the examination of LQU developed among four qubits and also shed some light on its dynamics. We observe that LQU develops among reservoirs as kind of mirror image to its decay from cavities. For four qubits, we propose how to compute LQU such that the method is intuitive and conformable to the observation. We find that among four qubits LQU starts growing from zero to maximum value and then decays again to zero as the asymptotic state of cavities is completely transferred to reservoirs. We suggest the experimental setup to implement our results.
