Anomalies of weight-based coherence measure and mixed maximally coherent states

Abstract in English

As an analogy of best separable approximation (BSA) in the framework of entanglement theory, here we concentrate on the notion of best incoherent approximation, with application to characterizing and quantifying quantum coherence. From both analytical and numerical perspectives, we have demonstrated that the weight-based coherence measure displays some unusual properties, in sharp contrast to other popular coherence quantifiers. First, by deriving a closed formula for qubit states, we have showed the weight-based coherence measure exhibits a rich (geometrical) structure even in this simplest case. Second, we have identified the existence of mixed maximally coherent states (MMCS) with respect to this coherence measure and discussed the characteristic feature of MMCS in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Especially, we present several important families of MMCS by gaining insights from the numerical simulations. Moreover, it is pointed out that some considerations in this work can be generalized to general convex resource theories and a numerical method of improving the computational efficiency for finding the BSA is also discussed.
