Linear nonsaturating magnetoresistance in the Nowotny chimney ladder compound Ru$_2$Sn$_3$

Abstract in English

We present magnetoresistivity measurements in high-quality single crystals of the Nowotny chimney ladder compound Ru$_2$Sn$_3$. We find a linear and nonsaturating magnetoresistance up to 20 T. The magnetoresistance changes with the magnetic field orientation at small magnetic fields, from a positive to a negative curvature. Above 5 T, the magnetoresistance shows no sign of saturation up to 20 T for any measured angle. The shape of the anisotropy in the magnetoresistance remains when increasing temperature and Kohlers rule is obeyed. We associate the linear and nonsaturating magnetoresistance to a small Fermi surface with hot spots, possibly formed as a consequence of the structural transition. We discuss the relevance of electron-electron interactions under magnetic fields and aspects of the topologically nontrivial properties expected in Ru$_2$Sn$_3$.
