Short flow-time coefficients of CP-violating operators

Abstract in English

Measurements of a permanent neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) potentially probe Beyond-the-Standard Model (BSM) sources of CP-violation. At low energy the CP-violating BSM interactions are parametrized by flavor-conserving CP-violating operators of dimension higher than four. QCD calculations of the nucleon matrix elements of these operators are required to fully reconstruct the sources and magnitudes of the different CP-violating contributions to the nucleon EDM. Herein we study the quark-chromo electric dipole moment (qCEDM) operator and the three-gluon Weinberg operator. The non-perturbative determination, using lattice QCD, of the nucleon matrix elements of these CP-violating operators is hampered by their short-distance behavior. Under renormalization these operators mix with lower dimensional operators, which induces power divergences in the lattice spacing, as the continuum limit is approached. We study the short-distance behavior of the qCEDM and the Weinberg operators using the gradient flow. We perform a short flow time expansion and determine, in perturbation theory, the expansion coefficients of the linearly-divergent terms stemming from the mixing with the pseudoscalar density and the topological charge, confirming the expectations of the operator product expansion. We introduce a new method to perform calculations at non-zero flow-time for arbitrary values of the external momenta. This method allows us to work in four dimensions for most of the calculations described in this paper, avoiding the complications associated with defining $gamma_5$ in generic d dimensions. We show that leading contributions in the external momenta can be reproduced by defining $gamma_5$ using the t Hooft-Veltman-Breitenlohner-Maison scheme.
