Strategic Spatiotemporal Vaccine Distribution Increases the Survival Rate in an Infectious Disease like Covid-19

Abstract in English

Covid-19 has caused hundred of thousands of deaths and an economic damage amounting to trillions of dollars, creating a desire for the rapid development of vaccine. Once available, vaccine is gradually produced, evoking the question on how to distribute it best. While official vaccination guidelines largely focus on the question to whom vaccines should be provided first (e.g. to risk groups), here we propose a strategy for their distribution in time and space, which sequentially prioritizes regions with a high local infection growth rate. To demonstrate this strategy, we develop a simple statistical model describing the time-evolution of infection patterns and their response to vaccination, for infectious diseases like Covid-19. For inhomogeneous infection patterns, locally well-mixed populations and basic reproduction numbers $R_0sim 1.5-4$ the proposed strategy at least halves the number of deaths in our simulations compared to the standard practice of distributing vaccines proportionally to the population density. For $R_0sim 1$ we still find a significant increase of the survival rate. The proposed vaccine distribution strategy can be further tested in detailed modelling works and could excite discussions on the importance of the spatiotemporal distribution of vaccines for official guidelines.
