Reconstruction of quintessence field for the THDE with swampland correspondence in $f(R,T)$ gravity

Abstract in English

In the present work, we construct the Tsallis holographic quintessence model of dark energy in $f(R, T)$ gravity with Hubble horizon as IR cut-off. In a flat FRW background, the correspondence among the energy density of the quintessence model with the Tsallis holographic density permits the reconstruction of the dynamics and the potentials for the quintessence field. The suggested Hubble horizon infrared cut-off for the THDE density acts for two specific cases: (i) THDE 1 and (ii) THDE 2. We have reconstructed the Tsallis holographic quintessence model in the region $omega_{Lambda} > -1$ for the EoS parameter for both the cases. In addition, the quintessence phase of the THDE models is analyzed with swampland conjecture to describe the accelerated expansion of the Universe.
