Quantum Criticality of Valence Transition for the Unique Electronic State of Antiferromagnetic Compound EuCu2Ge2

Abstract in English

The effect of pressure on the unique electronic state of the antiferromagnetic (AF) compound EuCu2Ge2 has been measured in a wide temperature range from 10 mK to 300 K by electrical resistivity measurements up to 10 GPa. The Neel temperature of TN = 15 K at ambient pressure increases monotonically with increasing pressure and becomes a maximum of TN = 27 K at 6.2 GPa but suddenly drops to zero at Pc = 6.5 GPa, suggesting the quantum critical point (QCP) of the valence transition of Eu from a nearly divalent state to that with trivalent weight. The rhomag0 and A values obtained from the low-temperature electrical resistivity based on the Fermi liquid relation of rhomag = rhomag0 + AT^2 exhibit huge and sharp peaks around Pc. The exponent n obtained from the power law dependence rhomag = rhomag0 + BT^n is clearly less than 1.5 at P = Pc = 6. 5 GPa, which is expected at the AF-QCP. These results indicate that Pc coincides with Pv, corresponding to the quantum criticality of the valence transition pressure Pv. The electronic specific heat coefficient, estimated from the generalized Kadowaki-Woods relation, is about 510 mJ/mol K^2 around Pc, suggesting the formation of a heavy-fermion state.
