Coulomb excitation of the $left|T_zright|=frac{1}{2}$, $A=23$ mirror pair and systematics of ab-initio $E2$ strength

Abstract in English

Background: Recent developments in {it ab initio} nuclear theory demonstrate promising results in medium- to heavy-mass nuclei. A particular challenge for many of the many-body methodologies, however, is an accurate treatment of the electric-quadrupole, $E2$, strength associated with collectivity. Purpose: In this work we present high-precision $E2$ data for the mirror nuclei $^{23}$Mg and $^{23}$Na for comparison with such theory. We interpret these results in combination with other recent measurements performed by the collaboration and the available literature. Methods: Coulomb-excitation measurements of $^{23}$Mg and $^{23}$Na were performed at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility using the TIGRESS spectrometer and were used to determine the $E2$ matrix elements of mixed $E2$/$M1$ transitions. Results: $E2$ transition strengths were extracted for $^{23}$Mg and $^{23}$Na. Transition strength ($B(E2)$) precision was improved by factors of approximately six for both isotopes, while agreeing within uncertainties with previous measurements. Conclusions: A comparison was made with both shell-model and {it ab initio} valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations. Valence-Space In-Medium Similarity-Renormalization-Group calculations were found to underpredict the absolute $E2$ strength - in agreement with previous results - but a full analysis of $sd$-shell nuclei found no indication of an isovector component to the missing strength. Comparison with full configuration interaction and coupled cluster calculations in the case of $^{14}$C indicates that correlated multi-particle multi-hole excitations are essential to the reproduction of quadrupole excitation amplitudes.
