Decentralized Adaptive Control for Collaborative Manipulation of Rigid Bodies

Abstract in English

In this work, we consider a group of robots working together to manipulate a rigid object to track a desired trajectory in $SE(3)$. The robots do not know the mass or friction properties of the object, or where they are attached to the object. They can, however, access a common state measurement, either from one robot broadcasting its measurements to the team, or by all robots communicating and averaging their state measurements to estimate the state of their centroid. To solve this problem, we propose a decentralized adaptive control scheme wherein each agent maintains and adapts its own estimate of the object parameters in order to track a reference trajectory. We present an analysis of the controllers behavior, and show that all closed-loop signals remain bounded, and that the system trajectory will almost always (except for initial conditions on a set of measure zero) converge to the desired trajectory. We study the proposed controllers performance using numerical simulations of a manipulation task in 3D, as well as hardware experiments which demonstrate our algorithm on a planar manipulation task. These studies, taken together, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller even in the presence of numerous unmodeled effects, such as discretization errors and complex frictional interactions.
