Monolayer Vanadium-doped Tungsten Disulfide: A Room-Temperature Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor

Abstract in English

Dilute magnetic semiconductors, achieved through substitutional doping of spin-polarized transition metals into semiconducting systems, enable experimental modulation of spin dynamics in ways that hold great promise for novel magneto-electric or magneto-optical devices, especially for two-dimensional systems such as transition metal dichalcogenides that accentuate interactions and activate valley degrees of freedom. Practical applications of 2D magnetism will likely require room-temperature operation, air stability, and (for magnetic semiconductors) the ability to achieve optimal doping levels without dopant aggregation. Here we describe room-temperature ferromagnetic order obtained in semiconducting vanadium-doped tungsten disulfide monolayers produced by a reliable single-step film sulfidation method across an exceptionally wide range of vanadium concentrations, up to 12 at% with minimal dopant aggregation. These monolayers develop p-type transport as a function of vanadium incorporation and rapidly reach ambipolarity. Ferromagnetism peaks at an intermediate vanadium concentration of a few atomic percent and decreases for higher concentrations, which is consistent with quenching due to orbital hybridization at closer vanadium-vanadium spacings, as supported by transmission electron microscopy, magnetometry and first-principles calculations. Room-temperature two-dimensional dilute magnetic semiconductors provide a new component to expand the functional scope of van der Waals heterostructures and bring semiconducting magnetic 2D heterostructures them into the realm of practical application.
