Soft MeV Gamma-Ray Background from Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei and Connection to the Origin of IceCube PeV Neutrinos

Abstract in English

Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LL AGNs) have radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs), where thermal electrons naturally emit not only synchrotron photons but also soft gamma rays via the Comptonization of their synchrotron photons. We find that without any nonthermal electron population, these upscattered photons from LL AGNs naturally account for the MeV gamma-ray background, whose origin has been a mystery. The model also allows proton acceleration via turbulence or reconnections, producing high-energy neutrinos via hadronuclear interactions. We demonstrate that our RIAF model can simultaneously reproduce the soft (MeV) gamma-ray and high-energy (PeV) neutrino backgrounds. The proposed model is consistent with the latest x-ray observations of nearby LL AGNs and testable by future MeV gamma-ray telescopes.
