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Social Biases in NLP Models as Barriers for Persons with Disabilities

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 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Building equitable and inclusive NLP technologies demands consideration of whether and how social attitudes are represented in ML models. In particular, representations encoded in models often inadvertently perpetuate undesirable social biases from the data on which they are trained. In this paper, we present evidence of such undesirable biases towards mentions of disability in two different English language models: toxicity prediction and sentiment analysis. Next, we demonstrate that the neural embeddings that are the critical first step in most NLP pipelines similarly contain undesirable biases towards mentions of disability. We end by highlighting topical biases in the discourse about disability which may contribute to the observed model biases; for instance, gun violence, homelessness, and drug addiction are over-represented in texts discussing mental illness.

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As machine learning methods are deployed in real-world settings such as healthcare, legal systems, and social science, it is crucial to recognize how they shape social biases and stereotypes in these sensitive decision-making processes. Among such real-world deployments are large-scale pretrained language models (LMs) that can be potentially dangerous in manifesting undesirable representational biases - harmful biases resulting from stereotyping that propagate negative generalizations involving gender, race, religion, and other social constructs. As a step towards improving the fairness of LMs, we carefully define several sources of representational biases before proposing new benchmarks and metrics to measure them. With these tools, we propose steps towards mitigating social biases during text generation. Our empirical results and human evaluation demonstrate effectiveness in mitigating bias while retaining crucial contextual information for high-fidelity text generation, thereby pushing forward the performance-fairness Pareto frontier.
Pretrained language models, especially masked language models (MLMs) have seen success across many NLP tasks. However, there is ample evidence that they use the cultural biases that are undoubtedly present in the corpora they are trained on, implicitly creating harm with biased representations. To measure some forms of social bias in language models against protected demographic groups in the US, we introduce the Crowdsourced Stereotype Pairs benchmark (CrowS-Pairs). CrowS-Pairs has 1508 examples that cover stereotypes dealing with nine types of bias, like race, religion, and age. In CrowS-Pairs a model is presented with two sentences: one that is more stereotyping and another that is less stereotyping. The data focuses on stereotypes about historically disadvantaged groups and contrasts them with advantaged groups. We find that all three of the widely-used MLMs we evaluate substantially favor sentences that express stereotypes in every category in CrowS-Pairs. As work on building less biased models advances, this dataset can be used as a benchmark to evaluate progress.
398 - Jin Yong Yoo , Yanjun Qi 2021
Adversarial training, a method for learning robust deep neural networks, constructs adversarial examples during training. However, recent methods for generating NLP adversarial examples involve combinatorial search and expensive sentence encoders for constraining the generated instances. As a result, it remains challenging to use vanilla adversarial training to improve NLP models performance, and the benefits are mainly uninvestigated. This paper proposes a simple and improved vanilla adversarial training process for NLP models, which we name Attacking to Training (A2T). The core part of A2T is a new and cheaper word substitution attack optimized for vanilla adversarial training. We use A2T to train BERT and RoBERTa models on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Yelp, and SNLI datasets. Our results empirically show that it is possible to train robust NLP models using a much cheaper adversary. We demonstrate that vanilla adversarial training with A2T can improve an NLP models robustness to the attack it was originally trained with and also defend the model against other types of word substitution attacks. Furthermore, we show that A2T can improve NLP models standard accuracy, cross-domain generalization, and interpretability. Code is available at .
Measuring bias is key for better understanding and addressing unfairness in NLP/ML models. This is often done via fairness metrics which quantify the differences in a models behaviour across a range of demographic groups. In this work, we shed more light on the differences and similarities between the fairness metrics used in NLP. First, we unify a broad range of existing metrics under three generalized fairness metrics, revealing the connections between them. Next, we carry out an extensive empirical comparison of existing metrics and demonstrate that the observed differences in bias measurement can be systematically explained via differences in parameter choices for our generalized metrics.
Social bias in machine learning has drawn significant attention, with work ranging from demonstrations of bias in a multitude of applications, curating definitions of fairness for different contexts, to developing algorithms to mitigate bias. In natural language processing, gender bias has been shown to exist in context-free word embeddings. Recently, contextual word representations have outperformed word embeddings in several downstream NLP tasks. These word representations are conditioned on their context within a sentence, and can also be used to encode the entire sentence. In this paper, we analyze the extent to which state-of-the-art models for contextual word representations, such as BERT and GPT-2, encode biases with respect to gender, race, and intersectional identities. Towards this, we propose assessing bias at the contextual word level. This novel approach captures the contextual effects of bias missing in context-free word embeddings, yet avoids confounding effects that underestimate bias at the sentence encoding level. We demonstrate evidence of bias at the corpus level, find varying evidence of bias in embedding association tests, show in particular that racial bias is strongly encoded in contextual word models, and observe that bias effects for intersectional minorities are exacerbated beyond their constituent minority identities. Further, evaluating bias effects at the contextual word level captures biases that are not captured at the sentence level, confirming the need for our novel approach.

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