Islands and Page Curves for Evaporating Black Holes in JT Gravity

Abstract in English

The effect of a CFT shockwave on the entanglement structure of an eternal black hole in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, that is in thermal equilibrium with a thermal bath, is considered. The shockwave carries energy and entropy into the black hole and heats the black hole up leading to evaporation and the eventual recovery of equilibrium. We find an analytical description of the entire relaxational process within the semiclassical high temperature regime. If the shockwave is inserted around the Page time then several scenarios are possible depending on the parameters. The Page time can be delayed or hastened and there can be more than one transition. The final entropy saddle has a quantum extremal surface that generically starts inside the horizon but at some later time moves outside. In general, increased shockwave energy and slow evaporation rate favour the extremal surface to be inside the horizon. The shockwave also disrupts the scrambling properties of the black hole. The same analysis is then applied to a shockwave inserted into the extremal black hole with similar conclusions.
