New physics in $bto s ellell$ decays with complex Wilson coefficients

Abstract in English

We perform a data-driven analysis of new physics (NP) effects in exclusive $b to s ell^+ell^-$ decays in a model-independent effective theory approach with dimension six operators considering scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial-vector operators with the corresponding Wilson coefficients (WC) taken to be complex. The analysis has been done with the most recent data while comparing the outcome with that from the relatively old data-set. We find that a left-handed quark current with vector muon coupling is the only one-operator $(mathcal{O}_9)$ scenario that can explain the data in both the cases with real and complex WC with a large non-zero imaginary contribution. We simultaneously apply model selection tools like cross-validation and information-theoretic approach like Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to find out the operator or sets of operators that can best explain the available data in this channel. The $mathcal{O}_9$ with complex WC is the only one-operator scenario which survives the test. However, there are a few two and three-operator scenarios (with real or complex WCs) which survive the test, and the operator $mathcal{O}_9$ is common among them.
