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New physics in $bto s ellell$ decays with complex Wilson coefficients

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 Added by Aritra Biswas
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We perform a data-driven analysis of new physics (NP) effects in exclusive $b to s ell^+ell^-$ decays in a model-independent effective theory approach with dimension six operators considering scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial-vector operators with the corresponding Wilson coefficients (WC) taken to be complex. The analysis has been done with the most recent data while comparing the outcome with that from the relatively old data-set. We find that a left-handed quark current with vector muon coupling is the only one-operator $(mathcal{O}_9)$ scenario that can explain the data in both the cases with real and complex WC with a large non-zero imaginary contribution. We simultaneously apply model selection tools like cross-validation and information-theoretic approach like Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to find out the operator or sets of operators that can best explain the available data in this channel. The $mathcal{O}_9$ with complex WC is the only one-operator scenario which survives the test. However, there are a few two and three-operator scenarios (with real or complex WCs) which survive the test, and the operator $mathcal{O}_9$ is common among them.

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94 - L. Solmaz , S. Solmaz 2003
We draw attention on the procedure, where Standard Model predictions and experimental results are compared and certain new physics scenarios are ruled out, that requires great attention, since there is still a room for new physics, especially when contributions of extended models bear complex phases. We observe that this is true even when SM and experiment yield the same results with zero uncertainties.
We present results of global fits of all relevant experimental data on rare $b to s$ decays. We observe significant tensions between the Standard Model predictions and the data. After critically reviewing the possible sources of theoretical uncertainties, we find that within the Standard Model, the tensions could be explained if there are unaccounted hadronic effects much larger than our estimates. Assuming hadronic uncertainties are estimated in a sufficiently conservative way, we discuss the implications of the experimental results on new physics, both model independently as well as in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model and models with flavour-changing $Z$ bosons. We discuss in detail the violation of lepton flavour universality as hinted by the current data and make predictions for additional lepton flavour universality tests that can be performed in the future. We find that the ratio of the forward-backward asymmetries in $B to K^* mu^+mu^-$ and $B to K^* e^+e^-$ at low dilepton invariant mass is a particularly sensitive probe of lepton flavour universality and allows to distinguish between different new physics scenarios that give the best description of the current data.
Motivated by deviations with respect to Standard Model predictions in $bto sell^+ell^-$ decays, we evaluate the global significance of the new physics hypothesis in this system, including the look-elsewhere effect for the first time. We estimate the trial-factor with psuedo-experiments and find that it can be as large as seven. We calculate the global significance for the new physics hypothesis by considering the most general description of a non-standard $bto sell^+ell^-$ amplitude of short-distance origin. Theoretical uncertainties are treated in a highly conservative way by absorbing the corresponding effects into a redefinition of the Standard Model amplitude. Using the most recent measurements of LHCb, ATLAS and CMS, we obtain the global significance to be $3.9$ standard deviations.
113 - Bernat Capdevila 2017
In recent years, intriguing hints for the violation of Lepton Flavour Universality (LFU) have been accumulated in semileptonic $B$ decays, both in the neutral-current transitions $bto sell^+ell^-$ (i.e., $R_K$ and $R_{K^*}$) and the charged-current transitions $bto cell^-bar u_ell$ (i.e., $R_D$, $R_{D^*}$ and $R_{J/psi}$). LHCb has reported deviations from the Standard Model (SM) expectations in $bto smu^+mu^-$ processes as well as in the ratios $R_K$ and $R_{K^*}$, which together point at New Physics (NP) affecting muons with a high significance. Furthermore, hints for LFU violation in $R_{D^{(*)}}$ and $R_{J/psi}$ point at large deviations from the SM in processes involving tau leptons. Together, these hints for NP motivate the possibility of huge LFU-violating effects in $bto stau^+tau^-$ transitions. In this article we predict the branching ratios of $Bto Ktau^+tau^-$, $Bto K^{*}tau^+tau^-$ and $B_sto phi tau^+tau^-$ taking into account NP effects in the Wilson coefficients $C_{9()}^{tautau}$ and $C_{10()}^{tautau}$. Assuming a common NP explanation of $R_{D^{}}$ , $R_{D^{(*)}}$ and $R_{J/psi}$, we show that a very large enhancement of $bto stau^+tau^-$ processes, of around three orders of magnitude compared to the SM, can be expected under fairly general assumptions. We find that the branching ratios of $B_sto tau^+tau^-$, $B_sto phi tau^+tau^-$ and $Bto K^{(*)}tau^+tau^-$ under these assumptions are in the observable range for LHCb and Belle II.
166 - Shuang-Yi Li , Rui-Xiang Shi , 2021
The recent measurements of $R_K$, $B_stomu^+mu^-$, a set of CP-averaged angular observables for the $B^0to K^{*0}mu^+mu^-$ decay, and its isospin partner $B^+to K^{*+}mu^+mu^-$ by the LHCb Collaboration, consistently hint at lepton universality violation in the $bto sellell$ transitions. The so-called $B$ anamolies can be best explained in five one-dimensional scenarios, i.e, $delta C_9^{mu}$, $delta C_{10}^{mu}$, $delta C_L^{mu}$, $delta C_9^{mu}=delta C_{10}^{muprime}$, and $delta C_9^{mu}=-delta C_9^{muprime}$, as demonstrated in recent model independent anlayses~cite{Alok:2019ufo,Alguero:2021anc,Geng:2021nhg,Altmannshofer:2021qrr}. In this work we explore how these scenarios can be distinguished from each other. We show that the combinations of four angular asymmetries $A_i$~$(i=3,4,5,9)$ together with the ratio $R_6$ first proposed in~cite{Jager:2014rwa} can discriminate the five new physics scenarios in proper intervals of $q^2$ and with future high-precision measurements.
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