Signatures of quantum chaos transition in short spin chains

Abstract in English

The non-integrability of quantum systems, often associated with chaotic behavior, is a concept typically applied to cases with a high-dimensional Hilbert space Among different indicators signaling this behavior, the study of the long-time oscillations of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) appears as a versatile tool, that can be adapted to the case of systems with a small number of degrees of freedom. Using such an approach, we consider the oscillations observed after the scrambling time in the measurement of OTOCs of local operators for an Ising spin chain on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator [J. Li,et al, Phys. Rev. X 7, 031011 (2017)]. We show that the systematic of the OTOC oscillations describes qualitatively well, in a chain with only 4 spins, the integrability-to-chaos transition inherited from the infinite chain.
