Topological isoconductance signatures in Majorana nanowires

Abstract in English

We consider transport properties of a hybrid device composed by a quantum dot placed between normal and superconducting reservoirs, and coupled to a Majorana nanowire: a topological superconducting segment hosting Majorana zero-modes at the opposite ends. It is demonstrated that if topologically protected (nonoverlapping) Majorana zero-modes are formed in the system, zero-bias Andreev conductance through the dot exhibits isoconductance profiles with the shape depending on the spin asymmetry of the coupling between a dot and a topological superconductor. Otherwise, for the topologically trivial situation corresponding to the formation of Andreev bound states, the conductance is insensitive to the spin polarization and the isoconductance signatures disappear. This allows to propose an experimental protocol for distinguishing between isolated Majorana zero-modes and Andreev bound states.
