The local and global properties of different types of supernova host galaxies

Abstract in English

By using Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP) products of Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA), which are publicly available from the SDSS Data Release 15, we analyze the local properties at the SN explosion sites and global properties of different types of SN host galaxies to explore the explosion environments of different types of SNe. In our sample, there are 67 SN host galaxies in the field of view of MaNGA, including 32 Type Ia, 29 CCSNe, 1 super-luminous SN (SLSN), 1 Type I and 4 unclassified type of SNe, with which we can perform the K-S test for analysis and derive statistically robust results. Due to the limited sample size, we couldnt remove the mass dependence in this work, which is likely the true driver of the trends for the properties presented in this work. The global star formation rate (SFR) and EW(H$alpha$) for SN Ia hosts is slightly lower than that for CCSN hosts on average. SN Ia host galaxies are $sim$ 0.3 dex more massive than CCSN hosts, which implies that the number ratio of CCSNe to Type Ia SNe will decrease with the increasing of stellar mass of host galaxies. The stellar population age of SN Ia host galaxies is older than that of CCSN hosts on average. There is no significant difference between different types of SN hosts for some properties, including local SFR density ($Sigma rm SFR$), local and global gas-phase oxygen abundance. For most galaxies in our sample, the global gas-phase oxygen abundance estimated from the integrated spectra of SN hosts can represent the local gas-phase oxygen abundance at the SN explosion sites with small bias.
