Single-electron operation of a silicon-CMOS 2x2 quantum dot array with integrated charge sensing

Abstract in English

The advanced nanoscale integration available in silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology provides a key motivation for its use in spin-based quantum computing applications. Initial demonstrations of quantum dot formation and spin blockade in CMOS foundry-compatible devices are encouraging, but results are yet to match the control of individual electrons demonstrated in university-fabricated multi-gate designs. We show here that the charge state of quantum dots formed in a CMOS nanowire device can be sensed by using floating gates to electrostatically couple it to a remote single electron transistor (SET) formed in an adjacent nanowire. By biasing the nanowire and gates of the remote SET with respect to the nanowire hosting the quantum dots, we controllably form ancillary quantum dots under the floating gates, thus enabling the demonstration of independent control over charge transitions in a quadruple (2x2) quantum dot array. This device overcomes the limitations associated with measurements based on tunnelling transport through the dots and permits the sensing of all charge transitions, down to the last electron in each dot. We use effective mass theory to investigate the necessary optimization of the device parameters in order to achieve the tunnel rates required for spin-based quantum computation.
