Mechanical feedback effects on primordial black hole accretion

Abstract in English

Dark matter may consist, at least partially, of primordial black holes formed during the radiation-dominated era. The radiation produced by accretion onto primordial black holes leaves characteristic signatures on the properties of the medium at high redshift, before and after Hydrogen recombination. Therefore, reliable modelling of accretion onto these objects is required to obtain robust constraints on their abundance. We investigate the effect of mechanical feedback, i.e. the impact of outflows (winds and/or jets) on the medium, on primordial black hole accretion, and thereby on the associated radiation. Using analytical and numerical calculations, we study for the first time whether outflows can reduce the accretion rate of primordial black holes with masses similar to those detected by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration. Despite the complexity of the accretion rate evolution, mechanical feedback is able to significantly reduce the primordial black hole accretion rate, at least by an order of magnitude, when outflows are aligned with the motion of the compact object. If the outflow is perpendicular to the direction of motion, the effect is less important but still non-negligible. Outflows from primordial black holes, even rather weak ones, can significantly decrease the accretion rate, effectively weakening abundance constraints on these objects. Our results motivate further numerical simulations with a more realistic setup, which would yield more precise quantitative predictions.
