Ultrafast energy relaxation of quantum dot-generated 2D hot electrons

Abstract in English

Through a series of transverse magnetic focusing experiments, we show that hot electrons in a two-dimensional electron gas system undergo an ultrafast relaxation when generated by a quantum dot (QD) instead of a quantum point contact (QPC). We find here that QPC hot electrons were well described by the non-interacting Fermi gas model for excitations up to 1.5 meV above the Fermi level of 7.44 meV, whereas QD hot electrons exhibited an energy loss quadratic to the excitation. The energy relaxation was a sizeable fraction of the tested excitations, up to about 55%. With the proposal that the hot electrons are relaxed by the QD immediately after emission, we present a toy model in which a capacitive coupling between the QD and its leads results in a finite, ultrafast energy relaxation.
