Semiclassical dynamics of a dark soliton in a one-dimensional bosonic superfluid in an optical lattice

Abstract in English

We study quantum dynamics of a dark soliton in a one-dimensional Bose gas in an optical lattice within the truncated Wigner approximation. A previous work has revealed that in the absence of quantum fluctuations, dynamical stability of the dark soliton significantly depends on whether its phase kink is located at a lattice site or a link of two neighboring sites. It has also shown that the dark soliton is unstable in a regime of strong quantum fluctuations regardless of the phase-kink position. To bridge the gap between the classical and strongly quantum regimes, we investigate the dynamical stability of the dark soliton in a regime of weak quantum fluctuations. We find that the position dependence of the dynamical stability gradually diminishes and eventually vanishes as the strength of quantum fluctuations increases. This classical-to-quantum crossover of the soliton stability remains even in the presence of a parabolic trapping potential. We suggest that the crossover behavior can be used for experimentally diagnosing whether the instability of a dark soliton is due to quantum fluctuations or classical dynamical instability.
