Vertex-transitive covers of semi-equivelar toroidal maps

Abstract in English

A map $X$ on a surface is called vertex-transitive if the automorphism group of $X$ acts transitively on the set of vertices of $X$. If the face-cycles at all the vertices in a map are of same type then the map is called semi-equivelar. In general, semi-equivelar maps on a surface form a bigger class than vertex-transitive maps. There are semi-equivelar toroidal maps which are not vertex-transitive. In this article, we show that semi-equivelar toroidal maps are quotients of vertex-transitive toroidal maps. More explicitly, we prove that each semi-equivelar toroidal map has a finite vertex-transitive cover. In 2019, Drach {em et al.} have shown that each vertex-transitive toroidal map has a minimal almost regular cover. Therefore, semi-equivelar toroidal maps are quotients of almost regular toroidal maps.
