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The Cost of Training NLP Models: A Concise Overview

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 Added by Or Sharir
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We review the cost of training large-scale language models, and the drivers of these costs. The intended audience includes engineers and scientists budgeting their model-training experiments, as well as non-practitioners trying to make sense of the economics of modern-day Natural Language Processing (NLP).

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398 - Jin Yong Yoo , Yanjun Qi 2021
Adversarial training, a method for learning robust deep neural networks, constructs adversarial examples during training. However, recent methods for generating NLP adversarial examples involve combinatorial search and expensive sentence encoders for constraining the generated instances. As a result, it remains challenging to use vanilla adversarial training to improve NLP models performance, and the benefits are mainly uninvestigated. This paper proposes a simple and improved vanilla adversarial training process for NLP models, which we name Attacking to Training (A2T). The core part of A2T is a new and cheaper word substitution attack optimized for vanilla adversarial training. We use A2T to train BERT and RoBERTa models on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Yelp, and SNLI datasets. Our results empirically show that it is possible to train robust NLP models using a much cheaper adversary. We demonstrate that vanilla adversarial training with A2T can improve an NLP models robustness to the attack it was originally trained with and also defend the model against other types of word substitution attacks. Furthermore, we show that A2T can improve NLP models standard accuracy, cross-domain generalization, and interpretability. Code is available at .
While Truncated Back-Propagation through Time (BPTT) is the most popular approach to training Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), it suffers from being inherently sequential (making parallelization difficult) and from truncating gradient flow between distant time-steps. We investigate whether Target Propagation (TPROP) style approaches can address these shortcomings. Unfortunately, extensive experiments suggest that TPROP generally underperforms BPTT, and we end with an analysis of this phenomenon, and suggestions for future work.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) models have become increasingly more complex and widespread. With recent developments in neural networks, a growing concern is whether it is responsible to use these models. Concerns such as safety and ethics can be partially addressed by providing explanations. Furthermore, when models do fail, providing explanations is paramount for accountability purposes. To this end, interpretability serves to provide these explanations in terms that are understandable to humans. Central to what is understandable is how explanations are communicated. Therefore, this survey provides a categorization of how recent interpretability methods communicate explanations and discusses the methods in depth. Furthermore, the survey focuses on post-hoc methods, which provide explanations after a model is learned and generally model-agnostic. A common concern for this class of methods is whether they accurately reflect the model. Hence, how these post-hoc methods are evaluated is discussed throughout the paper.
Neural NLP models are increasingly accurate but are imperfect and opaque---they break in counterintuitive ways and leave end users puzzled at their behavior. Model interpretation methods ameliorate this opacity by providing explanations for specific model predictions. Unfortunately, existing interpretation codebases make it difficult to apply these methods to new models and tasks, which hinders adoption for practitioners and burdens interpretability researchers. We introduce AllenNLP Interpret, a flexible framework for interpreting NLP models. The toolkit provides interpretation primitives (e.g., input gradients) for any AllenNLP model and task, a suite of built-in interpretation methods, and a library of front-end visualization components. We demonstrate the toolkits flexibility and utility by implementing live demos for five interpretation methods (e.g., saliency maps and adversarial attacks) on a variety of models and tasks (e.g., masked language modeling using BERT and reading comprehension using BiDAF). These demos, alongside our code and tutorials, are available at .
More than 200 generic drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for non-cancer indications have shown promise for treating cancer. Due to their long history of safe patient use, low cost, and widespread availability, repurposing of generic drugs represents a major opportunity to rapidly improve outcomes for cancer patients and reduce healthcare costs worldwide. Evidence on the efficacy of non-cancer generic drugs being tested for cancer exists in scientific publications, but trying to manually identify and extract such evidence is intractable. In this paper, we introduce a system to automate this evidence extraction from PubMed abstracts. Our primary contribution is to define the natural language processing pipeline required to obtain such evidence, comprising the following modules: querying, filtering, cancer type entity extraction, therapeutic association classification, and study type classification. Using the subject matter expertise on our team, we create our own datasets for these specialized domain-specific tasks. We obtain promising performance in each of the modules by utilizing modern language modeling techniques and plan to treat them as baseline approaches for future improvement of individual components.

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