Spectroscopic signatures of next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the charge and spin dynamics of doped one-dimensional antiferromagnets

Abstract in English

We study the impact of next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) hopping on the low-energy collective excitations of strongly correlated doped antiferromagnetic cuprate spin chains. Specifically, we use exact diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group method to study the single-particle spectral function, the dynamical spin and charge structure factors, and the Cu $L$-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) intensity of the doped $t$-$t^prime$-$J$ model for a set of $t^prime$ values. We find evidence for the breakdown of spin-charge separation as $|t^prime|$ increases and identify its fingerprints in the dynamical response functions. The inclusion of nnn hopping couples the spinon and holon excitations, resulting in the formation of a spin-polaron, where a ferromagnetic spin polarization cloud dresses the doped carrier. The spin-polaron manifests itself as additional spectral weight in the dynamical correlation functions, which appear simultaneously in the spin- and charge-sensitive channels. We also demonstrate that RIXS can provide a unique view of the spin-polaron, due to its sensitivity to both the spin and charge degrees of freedom.
