Efficient simulation of bi-periodic, layered structures based on the T-matrix method

Abstract in English

Predicting the optical response of macroscopic arrangements of individual scatterers is a computational challenge, as the problem involves length scales across multiple orders of magnitude. We present a full-wave optical method to highly efficiently compute the scattering of light at objects that are arranged in bi-periodic arrays. Multiple arrays or homogeneous thin-films can be stacked to build up an entire multicomposite material in the third dimension. The scattering properties of the individual objects in each array are described by the T-matrix formalism. Therefore, arbitrarily shaped objects and even molecules can be the basic constituent of the arrays. Taking the T-matrix of the individual scatterer as the point of departure allows to explain the optical properties of the bulk material from the scattering properties of its constituents. We use solutions of Maxwells equations with well defined helicity. Therefore, chiral media are particularly easy to consider as materials for both scatterers or embedding media. We exemplify the efficiency of the algorithm with an exhaustive parametric study of anti-reflective coatings for solar cells made from cylinders with a high degree of helicity preservation. The example shows a speed-up of about 500 with respect to finite-element computations. A second example specifically exploits the use helicity modes to investigate the enhancement of the circular dichroism signal in a chiral material.
