Broadband Electrical Action Sensing Techniques with conducting wires for low-mass dark matter axion detection

Abstract in English

Due to the inverse Primakoff effect it has been shown that when axions interact with a DC magnetic B-field the resulting electrical action will produce an AC electromotive force which oscillates at the Compton frequency of the axion, and may be modeled as an oscillating effective impressed magnetic current boundary source. We use this result to calculate the sensitivity of new experiments to low-mass axions using the quasi-static technique. First, we calculate the current induced in an electric dipole antenna (straight conducting wire) when the DC B-field is spatially constant and show that it has a sensitivity proportional to the axion mass. Following this we extend the topology by making use of the full extent of the spatially varying DC B-field. This extension is achieved by transforming the 1D conducting wire to a 2D winding, to fully link the effective magnetic current boundary source and thus couple to the full axion induced electrical action. In this case the conductor becomes a coil winding where the voltage induced across the winding increases proportionally to the number of windings. We investigate two different topologies: The 1st uses a single winding, and couples to the effective short circuit current generated in the winding, which is read out using a sensitive low impedance SQUID amplifier: The 2nd uses multiple windings, with every turn effectively increasing the the voltage output proportional to the winding number. The read out of this configuration is optimised by implementing a cryogenic low-noise high input impedance voltage amplifier. The end result is a new Broadband Electrical Action Sensing Techniques with orders of magnitude improved sensitivity, which is linearly proportional to the axion photon coupling and capable of detecting QCD dark matter axions.
