Let $mathfrak{g}_0$ be a simple Lie algebra of type ADE and let $U_q(mathfrak{g})$ be the corresponding untwisted quantum affine algebra. We show that there exists an action of the braid group $B(mathfrak{g}_0)$ on the quantum Grothendieck ring $K_t(mathfrak{g})$ of Hernandez-Leclercs category $C_{mathfrak{g}}^0$. Focused on the case of type $A_{N-1}$, we construct a family of monoidal autofunctors ${mathscr{S}_i}_{iin mathbb{Z}}$ on a localization $T_N$ of the category of finite-dimensional graded modules over the quiver Hecke algebra of type $A_{infty}$. Under an isomorphism between the Grothendieck ring $K(T_N)$ of $T_N$ and the quantum Grothendieck ring $K_t({A^{(1)}_{N-1}})$, the functors ${mathscr{S}_i}_{1le ile N-1}$ recover the action of the braid group $B(A_{N-1})$. We investigate further properties of these functors.