Design and Implementation of a DTMF Based Pick and Place Robotic Arm

Abstract in English

In recent times, developments in field of communication and robotics has progressed with leaps and bounds. In addition, the blend of both disciplines has contributed heavily in making human life easier and better. So in this work while making use of both the aforementioned technologies, a procedure for design and implementation of a mobile operated mechanical arm is proposed, that is, the proposed arm will be operated via a cellular device that connects with the receiver mounted on the robotic arm. Moreover, over the duration of a call, if any key is pressed from the cellular device than an indicator indistinct to the key pressed is noticed at the receiver side. This tone represents superimposition of two distinct frequencies and referred to as DTMF (dual tone multi-frequency). Further, the mechanical arm is handled via the DTMF tone. Also, the acquired tone at the receiver is taken into a micro-controller (ATMEGA16) using the DTMF decipher module i.e. MT8870. Further, the decipher module unwinds the DTMF signal into its corresponding two bit representation and then the matched number is transmitted to the micro-controller. The micro-controller is programmed to take an action based on the decoded value. Further, the micro-controller forwards control signals to the motor driver unit to move the arm in forward/backward or multi-directional course. Lastly, the mechanical arm is capable of picking and placing objects while being controlled wirelessly over GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications).
