Shortcomings of meta-GGA functionals when describing magnetism

Abstract in English

Several recent studies have shown that SCAN, a functional belonging to the meta-generalized gradient approximation (MGGA) family, leads to significantly overestimated magnetic moments in itinerant ferromagnetic metals. However, this behavior is not inherent to the MGGA level of approximation since TPSS, for instance, does not lead to such severe overestimations. In order to provide a broader view of the accuracy of MGGA functionals for magnetism, we extend the assessment to more functionals, but also to antiferromagnetic solids. The results show that to describe magnetism there is overall no real advantage in using a MGGA functional compared to GGAs. For both types of approximation, an improvement in ferromagnetic metals is necessarily accompanied by a deterioration (underestimation) in antiferromagnetic insulators, and vice-versa. We also provide some analysis in order to understand in more detail the relation between the mathematical form of the functionals and the results.
