On dual unit balls of Thurston norms

Abstract in English

Thurston norms are invariants of 3-manifolds defined on their second homology vector spaces, and understanding the shape of their dual unit ball is a (widely) open problem. W. Thurston showed that every symmetric polygon in Z^2, whose vertices satisfy a parity property, is the dual unit ball of a Thurston norm on a 3-manifold. However, it is not known if the parity property on the vertices of polytopes is a sufficient condition in higher dimension or if their are polytopes, with mod 2 congruent vertices, that cannot be realized as dual unit balls of Thurston norms. In this article, we provide a family of polytopes in Z^2g that can be realized as dual unit balls of Thurston norms on 3-manifolds. These polytopes come from intersection norms on oriented closed surfaces and this article widens the bridge between these two norms.
