C4-free subgraphs with large average degree

Abstract in English

Motivated by a longstanding conjecture of Thomassen, we study how large the average degree of a graph needs to be to imply that it contains a $C_4$-free subgraph with average degree at least $t$. Kuhn and Osthus showed that an average degree bound which is double exponential in t is sufficient. We give a short proof of this bound, before reducing it to a single exponential. That is, we show that any graph $G$ with average degree at least $2^{ct^2log t}$ (for some constant $c>0$) contains a $C_4$-free subgraph with average degree at least $t$. Finally, we give a construction which improves the lower bound for this problem, showing that this initial average degree must be at least $t^{3-o(1)}$.
