Significance of broken $ mu-tau $ Symmetry in correlating $ delta_{CP} $, $ theta_{13} $, Lightest neutrino Mass and neutrinoless double beta decay $ 0 ubetabeta $

Abstract in English

Leptonic CP Violating Phase $ delta_{CP} $ in the light neutrino sector and leptogenesis via present matter antimatter asymmetry of the Universe entails each other. Probing CP violation in light neutrino oscillation is one of the challenging tasks today. The reactor mixing angle $ theta_{13} $ measured in reactor experiments, LBL, DUNE with high precision in neutrino experiments indicates towards the vast dimension of scope to detect $ delta_{CP} $. The correlation between leptonic Dirac CPV phase $ delta_{CP} $, reactor mixing angle $ theta_{13} $, lightest neutrino mass $ m_{1} $ and matter antimatter asymmetry of the Universe within the framework of $ mu-tau $ symmetry breaking assuming the type I seesaw dominance is extensively studied here. Small tiny breaking of the $ mu-tau $ symmetry allows a large Dirac CP violating phase in neutrino oscillation which in turn is characterised by awareness of measured value of $ theta_{13} $ and to provide a hint towards a better understanding of the experimentally observed near maximal value of $ u_{mu} - u_{tau} $ mixing angle $ theta_{23}simeq frac{pi}{4}$. Precise breaking of the $ mu-tau $ symmetry is achieved by adding a 120 plet Higgs to the 10 $+$ $bar{126}$ dimensional representation of Higgs. The estimated three dimensional density parameter space of lightest neutrino mass $ m_{1} $, $ delta_{CP} $, reactor mixing angle $ theta_{13} $, is constrained here for the requirement of producing the observed value of baryon asymmetry of the Universe through the mechanism of leptogenesis. Carrying out numerical analysis the allowed parameter space of $ m_{1} $, $ delta_{CP} $, $ theta_{13} $, is found out which can produce the observed baryon to photon density ratio of the Universe.
